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Mecalux Pallet Shuttle Racking System


Semi-automated solution consisting of a shuttle, a forklift and an operator

Using a forklift, the operator positions the pallet shuttle car at the entrance to the channel. Next, they deposit the pallet on the rails, just above the shuttle. The shuttle then raises the pallet slightly and transports it, placing it in the first free location. Operators issue commands to the shuttle from a tablet.

1. An instruction is received :

The operator receives the order to store a number of pallets. With a forklift, the operator first picks up the Pallet Shuttle car and moves it to the assigned storage channel.

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2. The shuttle is placed in the channel :

The forklift raises the shuttle unit and deposits it between the rails of the storage channel.

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3. The pallet is positioned at the entrance to the channel :

The forklift deposits the pallet at the channel entrance, resting on the rails, just above the shuttle. At no time does the forklift enter the racking.

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4. The shuttle moves the pallet to its storage location :

Using a tablet, the operator issues the command for the shuttle to raise the pallet slightly and move it to the deepest location, where it is then deposited.

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5. The storage channel is filled :

The shuttle returns to the channel entrance, repeating this operation until the entire channel is filled. Before placing the pallet in the last location, the operator removes the shuttle.

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6. Pallet retrieval :

To unload pallets, the operation is reversed. If a FIFO configuration is used, the pallets are removed from the aisle opposite the entry aisle.

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Mecalux Pallet Shuttle System Demo
